It would seem that every time we find something in a football game that we like, we find ourselves vomiting in frustration over something else. Case in point - trying to get Italy through a Euro cup in Pro Evo '08. I think after playing a lot of footy titles, one thing stands out above the rest - they can all be a royal pain in the ass. I completely relate to Matt's frustration, made only that much bitter from an own-goal caused by running a player on auto-pilot without any possible way of making the bugger stop in his tracks. Only to follow that up with what would've been a lovely goal had Toni not stopped in his tracks....sigh, oh well - better luck next time!
One 100% Matt goal for you, with the added benefit of no ear-shattering feedback! (Shut up Jay)
Yes, well. We put in all the bloody effort to get to the final and then got royally badgered by the A.I! Argh.
You horrendous Berk of the first order! You've recorded absolutely no audio on fact worse, you're recorded some ear bleeding feedback! Go team...
Er, yes - sorted now. All kinds of associated lawsuits resulting from audio berkery can now be forgotten!
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